The Historical Christmas Market, “Mainzer WinterZeit” markets and more are integrated into the map.
Simply click on the event and view the details, e.g. opening hours.
the opening times, for example.
And best of all: by clicking on “To the mobility planner”, you can add the event directly as a destination in a journey planner.

Mainz Mobility gives you the 1st Saturday in December for free: free bus and train travel in Mainz & Wiesbaden

On December 7, 2024, the use of buses and streetcars in Mainz and Wiesbaden will be free for everyone.

Passengers do not have to buy tickets on this day and can board and set off without any worries – the perfect opportunity for a trip to the Christmas city of Mainz, for shopping or a visit to the beautiful Mainz Christmas markets.

The free Saturday starts at midnight on December 7 and ends at 5 a.m. on the morning of December 8. Included are all journeys on buses and streetcars as well as regional rail services (S-Bahn and regional trains) within the cities of Mainz and Wiesbaden (including the associated districts) as well as in Zornheim and Wackernheim. Adjacent towns such as Ginsheim, Gustavsburg, Bischofsheim, Hochheim, Wallau, Walluf and Budenheim are unfortunately not included.

Climate-friendly travel with the Mainz Mobility event ticket:

With the event ticket from Mainzer Mobilität you can travel at a reduced price on these special occasions. What’s more, you save yourself the hassle of traffic, the annoying search for a parking space and actively support the motto “Don’t drink and drive”.

  • Valid for a return trip to major Mainz and Wiesbaden folk festivals
  • Outward and return journey must take place on the same day
  • The price is roughly the same as two trading cards
  • Transferring is permitted, but the following vehicle must always be used

If you would like to travel by car, you can find information on parking garages here: and